A piece written by one of our Dublin tenants from our Editorial Panel.

What is it and where to go?
Have your problems ever got too much for you? Or has your anxiety stopped you from doing important things in your life? Maybe you have an issue you haven’t spoken to anyone about and feel unable to go to friends or
family? If so then Counselling might be useful for you. Counselling/Psychotherapy (there really is little
difference between these two titles) is where trained professionals help you when you experience personal issues, with the hope to alleviate these difficulties. If we feel like we could do with some counselling, it
can be overwhelming to think of where to go, and importantly, how much does it cost? This especially can put people off counselling as it can be expensive. With this in mind, below are a list of resources.
Where can you go?
Firstly, go to your GP (General Practitioner) and discuss your mental health with them. They may refer you to counsellors or mental health services they know.
Private: The Irish Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (IACP) or Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) have large databases of accredited counsellors/psychotherapists. Costs for these therapists can range anything from €50 to €100 per hour and note this is usually weekly. Usually some provide low-cost counselling so this is worth checking out.
Public: The HSE’s National Counselling Service offers the following two options. Counselling in Primary Care (CIPC). This is for adults over 18 years who are medical card holders and experiencing mild to moderate psychological and emotional difficulties such as depression, anxiety, panic reactions, relationship problems, loss issues, stress and impact of the pandemic. CIPC provides up to 8 free counselling sessions from over 240 locations situated throughout Ireland, typically local Primary Care Centre’s.
The childhood abuse or neglect service (CaPA) provides free counselling and psychotherapy for adults who have suffered abuse during their childhood. Childhood Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. This is a self-referral service. Once referred you will be offered an initial assessment appointment to check suitability and then placed on a waiting list for counselling.
Look up The National Counselling Service/Counselling in Primary Care on the HSE website for contact details.
My Mind provides excellent low cost/free counselling online or in person.
Turn2Me offers 6 free online counselling sessions to anyone living in Ireland and also low cost counselling after this.
Pieta House provides one-to-one free therapeutic service to people who are in suicidal distress, those who engage in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. No referral is needed.
Aware provides free support services to individuals experiencing depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or other mood related conditions as well as to people who are concerned about a loved one.
They have a Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (Monday to Sunday 10am to 10pm).
They also have peer group support and selfcare groups which are face to face or online. Check out the Aware Website for details.
Finally, if you are having a mental health crisis and you are unsure of who to contact, please attend your nearest Emergency Department.