Property Management

Property Management

Management companies are in operation for most modern developments, particularly in apartment-type developments where facilities are shared between all of the owners of properties in the development. Circle VHA provides property management services to a number of complexes. A comprehensive list of found within our Property Management Guide.

Good estate management ensures that a development is a pleasant place to live for all residents and that property values in the area are retained. It is the responsibility of all residents to ensure that they take pride in their estate, pay their service charges and comply with the house rules listed in the Property Management Guide. It is the responsibility of the managing agent to ensure that all financial, legal and operational obligations are carried out.

For further information on Property Management, Managing Agent, The Benefits of Choosing Circle VHA and the Roles of the Resident please click the image to view our Property Management Guide.

The image is the front cover of Circle's Property Management Guide booklet. It contains an image of terraced houses with the Circle logo in the top right hand corner of the page and the words Property Management, Property Management, Becoming a Managing Agent and Resident Responsibilities in the lower left hand corner
Click the image to download

The core estate management service can be broadly split into four key areas:

  1. Buildings and insurance management
  2. Financial management and reporting
  3. Legal and corporate compliance
  4. Communication and resident interface

Maintenance of Approved Contractors System: All contractors used in the completion of works for the estate are required to have been approved for all legal requirements before being engaged. Circle VHA maintains a listing of all contractors who have met our requirements.

  • Building inspections: On a weekly / fortnightly basis our property manager completes a walk-through of the estate. On an annual basis, a snagging inspection is undertaken by our maintenance department.
  • House rules management: Ensuring that the house rules of the management company are adhered to by all residents.
  • Reactive repairs: Organising timely responses to repairs and maintenance issues as they arise.
  • Cyclical maintenance planning: Ensuring that all necessary cyclical works are carried out in a timely fashion to minimise reactive repairs and maintain the overall condition of the estate.
  • Sinking fund management: Planning all works to be carried out under the sinking fund category, which are long term in nature and ensuring adequate contributions are made on an annual basis by the management company to ensure funding of these works in the future.
  • Insurance management: Ensuring appropriate insurance cover is in place for the management company, including buildings insurance, directors and officers insurance and employers and public liability and handling of all claims on behalf of the management company.
  • After-hours emergency service: Each managing agent has an after-hours number that residents can use to report emergency repairs, such as maintenance problems relating to common door entrances, intercoms, and communal lights. Their contact details should be available on a wall in the ground floor entrance area of the apartment block. Circle VHA provides an emergency service number that can be used 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by residents living in developments managed by Circle VHA. It is manned by our staff, ensuring that any emergency issues are dealt with promptly. The emergency number is 053 937 4832 
  • Organising and checking completed works for all other aspects of management of the estate: Fire safety; mechanical and electrical maintenance; cleaning of all apartment block common areas on a weekly basis; window and gutter cleaning twice yearly; graffiti removal; refurbishment works; waste and recycling services; removal of non-domestic waste; electricity supply, energy efficiency management; professional surveying; roof repairs etc.
  • Caretaker Services: Circle Housing’s Mobile Maintenance Operatives provide caretaker services across many of the schemes we manage. Where caretaker services are employed in an estate, their duties include litter picking, maintaining the cleanliness,  overall appearance of the estate and carrying out minor repairs and maintenance.

The management company is a legally incorporated company limited by guarantee. Each owner of each property in the estate is a member of this company. As such, it is essential that all financial transactions be traceable and transparent. The following tasks are undertaken as part of Circle VHA’s estate management service.

  • Setting of appropriate service charge budgets prior to the beginning of the financial year, ensuring adequate funds are available to ensure all necessary works are carried out while achieving value for money.
  • Day-to-day accounts and banking.
  • Cash flow and working capital management and planning.
  • Service charge collection and debt collection regarding defaulted payments.
  • Sinking fund management.
  • Monthly management accounts; debt collection status reports; variance reporting.
  • Annual audit completion.
  • Completion of all relevant tax returns.

The management company is governed by company law, therefore all legal and corporate administrative duties attached to the functioning of the management company are carried out by Circle VHA. This includes the following:

  • Company secretarial, including all relevant Companies Registration Office filings.
  • Completion of requisitions on title.
  • Maintaining members’ register and all attached documentation.
  • Management company file management.
  • Chairing of board and general meetings, and ensuring compliance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Maintaining the minute book for the company.
  • Attending court hearings for debt collection cases, when required.
  • All calls are recorded and monitored via a call logging system to ensure timely resolution.
  • Out-of-office service.
  • Weekly on-site visit.
  • Communication with residents’ association.
  • Facilitating the establishment of Neighborhood Community Watch Committees & attending meetings.
  • Liaising with community groups, local authority, and An Garda Siochana to combat vandalism, illegal dumping, and anti-social behaviour in the estate.

Property Management Contact form

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