Circle VHA Board

Circle VHA Board

Circle VHA is a legally incorporated company limited by guarantee (registered in Ireland, no. 374693) and is required to have a board of directors. The Circle VHA board consists of nine members who each have considerable expertise and experience in areas such as housing policy and development, organisational management, financial management and legal expertise.

The directors are volunteers who are not directly responsible for the delivery of our housing services. They have ultimate responsibility for the good governance of the organisation, company policies, strategy and the achievement of our mission. They are paid no fees or other earnings by Circle VHA.

The Board meets on average eight times per year. It also has five sub-committeesFinance, Audit and Risk Committee (FARC), Development Committee (DevCom), Remuneration and Nominations Committee (RemNom), the Strategic Purpose Group (SPG) and the Tenant First Link Committee (TFL). These committees review policies, proposed acquisitions, and Circle VHA’s services and management, and report to the Board.

Current Board:

eileen patterson

Eileen Patterson

Chair of Cirlce VHA and member of The Strategic Purpose Group
Black and white image of Board Member Chris White

Chris White

Board Member & Chair of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee

John Deegan

Board member and member of the development committee
Black and white image of Board Member Garret Tynan

Garret Tynan

Board Member & Chair of of the Strategic Purpose Group
Image of board member Michelle Ni Riordain

Michelle Ní Riordáin

Board Member & FARC Member
Black and white image of Board Member and Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee Damian Kennedy

Damian Kennedy

Board Member & Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. Member of the Remuneration & Nominations Committee.
Black and white image of Board Member Gemma Kavanagh

Gemma Kavanagh

Board Member and is also a member of FARC
An image of board member Keith Gilmore

Keith Gillmor

Board of Directors & Chair of DevCom
An image of board member Richard Mc Donagh

Richard McDonagh

Board Member & DevCom Member

Circle’s Patron

Black and white image of Circle's Patron Father Pat Carolan

Fr Pat Carolan

Circle's Patron and external member of DevCom.